In this episode we discuss:
• Mindy’s and Lisa’s personal and professional experience with grief and life disruptions
• How to interact with an employee affected by a trauma/life disruption
• How to talk with someone using ABLE™ conversations skills after a life disruption
• The importance of Purpose and a Human Recovery Plan
Mindy is an entrepreneur and former CEO of a successful wealth management firm who began her career as an office assistant. She was a single mother who was dealing with divorce and had experienced a life-threatening illness.
Reaching the pinnacle of her professional career, Mindy was raising two talented boys when her father and oldest son were murdered at Kansas City’s Jewish Community Center by a white supremacist intent on killing Jews.
Mindy’s life purpose changed from guiding people financially to helping people find space to learn about our differences and discover commonalities. With compassion and forgiveness, Mindy shares her experience of loss as a daughter and mother, a wife and coworker, both nationally and internationally at mindycorporon.com. Mindy encourages and motivates audiences to overcome life’s challenges, one day at a time.
Along with her family, Mindy started the Faith Always Wins Foundation, faithalwayswins.org, promoting dialogue through kindness, faith and healing. The Foundation engages local and regional communities, businesses, cities, and schools in SevenDays® | Make a Ripple, Change the World: an experience which provides opportunities to increase kindness through knowledge, mindset and behaviors.
As a former marketing professional, Lisa Cooper has always had a gift for communicating. She earned a reputation in the advertising industry for driving creative solutions to clients’ business problems as she led the marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike. She built upon her corporate success by launching a consulting practice and sharing her expertise teaching graduate-level marketing classes.
Her mother’s death sparked a life transformation that produced her most rewarding professional accomplishment. Based on her personal experience with grief and hope, Lisa was motivated to help others ease the pain of loss and help their grieving hearts to heal.
Lisa wrote about her experiences and relationship with her mother in You Are My Voice: How Love’s Voice Never Dies, an inspirational memoir. Lisa is a speaker and workshop facilitator creating communities of healing on topics such as How Love Never Dies and Balancing the Head and Heart after Loss, and offers one-on-one mentoring to help people transition from grief to hope. Find her on the web at lisakcooper.com.
Together, Mindy and Lisa founded Workplace Healing, LLC, to change our corporate culture from primarily a head-based environment to include a path for heart-based conversations. Life disruptions touch every human. Our co-workers have the unique ability to be part of our healing strategy when they know what to say and when to say it.
Find Workplace Healing, LLC, online at workplacehealing.com; on Facebook @WorkplaceHealingLLC; on LinkedIn @Workplace Healing LLC; and Twitter @WorkplaceHealing. Email [email protected] and [email protected].