meditations and guided exercises
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Meditation
Have trouble meditating? This meditation guides you through a mindfulness exercise of awareness of the body and releasing stress. Additional instruction throughout gently guides the mind back to the body and provides a gentle introduction to a meditation practice.
Non denominational and based in mindfulness practices. 20:43 minutes
Soul Retrieval Meditation
When we go through trauma, shock, or upset, a bit of our soul can get "stuck" in the moment, spiraling away from us. Later, sometimes much later, when we encounter a similar upsetting event, we may react to it from the place of this "stuck" emotion.
In the moment, we have an exchange of energy. We take on the energy and emotion shared (or thrown) our way by the other person, and we give the other our energy and emotion as well.
Identifying and clearing our soul fragments is incredibly healing. We release and clear the energy stuck from that moment in time and reclaim our power.
This guided meditation is very effective at returning and reclaiming energy, leaving you feeling lighter and more understanding of traumatic events.
The recording is provided as an .mp3 format. Download within 7 days of purchase.
Connect with Loved Ones
Do you wonder if your loved one is all right? Is there anything that was left unsaid at their passing? Anything you would like your loved one to know? Or would you just like to visit your loved one?
In this visualization, you will be guided to open your heart and connect with a loved one--human or beloved pet--on the other side. During this journey you can open yourself up to receive written messages and answers from your loved one.
During this journey there will be periods of silence to allow for responses and reactions. If you wish, you may pause the recording to allow for longer conversations. At the end, it is recommended that you write down all you can recall from the experience before you forget. You may even receive more insight as you write. If you do not have a journal or something to write on, pause the recording so that you can prepare.
Repeat this guided journey whenever you like, visiting all of your loved ones on the other side.
18:54 minutes
Hero's Story
In this exercise, you will be guided to connect with the higher consciousness of someone in your life to understand their point of view. Perhaps you have difficulty speaking with this person. Perhaps this person is unable to or won’t communicate. Or perhaps there are topics you would like to discuss with this person that are difficult to approach.
We are connected to all beings through consciousness. In this experience you will be asking permission to tap into the higher consciousness of the person you would like connect with. There is a chance the person you wish to connect with does not give permission. That’s all right. Come back and ask again later.
Once you have gotten permission, write the story of what “happened” between you. Make the other person the “hero” of the story, writing them as the main character. You could make a video telling the story as well if you want.
Why "Hero's Story"? When you invite someone to share their side or view of a situation they become the "hero" of their story. Trust and allow whatever comes and know that you are hearing their Truth.
Be prepared to write; YOU will be writing the Hero's Story!
This standalone meditation is part of Christi's Fearless Transformation group coaching program.
Non-denominational and based in spiritual practices. 7:43 minutes
Heal Your Fear of Success
Do you seek success but fear of all the things that accompany it: managing money, managing time, and changes in relationships? Don't sabotage your success any longer. By retraining your brain through self hypnosis to accept all the things success brings, you can free yourself to achieve more in all aspects of life.
Achieving success requires dedication and a steady stream of action. Listening to this self-hypnosis recording will clear the way to inspired creativity and action.
In order to receive maximum benefit, set yourself up for success:
• Set a goal for how often you will listen—preferably daily. Even if you fall asleep while you listen, your brain gets what it needs. Any time you want to listen is fine.
• Set a time and a place to relax and listen, free from distractions. The good news is that you only need 20 minutes out of your day.
• Allow yourself to let go and imagine. Follow along with the recording and just let yourself imagine.
The more you listen, the deeper the healing surrounding success.
Christi Clemons Hoffman, MA, CHt, is a hypnosis practitioner, healer, and medium based in Kansas City, Missouri. You can schedule a session with her at
18:51 minutes.
Illumination and Clearing Meditation
Using intention, imagery, and meditation, visualize blocked emotion and energy and clear it. Powerful visualization that brings up memories and other associations for each energetic center (chakra).
Sit quietly in a comfortable position, allow the breath to slow and deepen, and follow along with the gentle guided instruction. Do not worry if you do not visualize; imagination works equally well as does simple intention. Allow the mind to clear and go with the first image, thought, or impression that you have. Repeat as often as necessary--there are no side effects!
Have a pen and paper handy; you will be guided to journal about what you find. This standalone meditation is part of my Fearless Transformation group coaching program.
Non-denominational and based in mindfulness practices. 26:37 minutes
Just... Be Meditation
Got stress? What if you could just exist... no cares, no schedules, no one around. In this guided journey, leave your body behind and just exist in a neutral place.
Many QHHT clients who are in stressful situations find themselves in a place that is all white. Or all black. Or different colors. And they have the experience that they can just "" It is remarkably healing!
In this guided voice meditation, allow your imagination to drift and float. And... be....
Full Moon Meditation with Archangel Haniel
What is your full moon ritual? The full moon is a magical and potent time for releasing old beliefs, programming, and emotion in preparation to welcome new intentions.
Enjoy this meditative visualization to release and clear the seven principal chakras with the light of the full moon and Archangel Haniel. Haniel is the archangel who oversees the moon energy. She also brings us grace, poise, and friends we can resonate with.
Repeat this guided journey whenever you like, clearing old emotions and energies during the week of the full moon.
26:42 minutes
Desire and Design by Mary Jane Staudenmann, our resident astrologer, is an "art book for astrology lovers and an astrology book for art lovers." You can purchase it online and help independent booksellers at the same time at
This book is the missing link, the piece of the puzzle that holds the answers you’ve been searching for. It’s The Gap between chronic disease and your true recovery. Features the chapter "How Energy Affects Health" by Christi Clemons Hoffman.
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