Christi is a lifelong intuitive, channel, teacher, and consultant whose passion is connecting people with their spiritual “team.” Using a unique blend of Angel Readings, medical intuition, mediumship, and Akashic Records, Christi helps clients with questions about their spiritual growth, unlocking answers to questions about life purpose, past lives, health, relationships, and more.
Using Reiki techniques along with her intuitive abilities, Christi also helps clients get to the source of physical and emotional discomfort. Reiki is a powerful tool to clear these blockages in the body’s energetic and auric bodies. Clients say they feel “lighter” and “able to be optimistic” after just one session.
Christi is also certified at Level 3 in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), as developed by Dolores Cannon, one of only 30 Level 3 practitioners in the world. This form of healing works with the Higher Self, or the Subconscious, to discover past lives that have a bearing on the client's current life.
Explore Christi's offerings and learn about her company, Radiate Wellness, LLC at radiatewellnesscommunity.com.
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