Tracey McQuinn comes from a variety of backgrounds including nursing, real estate, dental assisting, and massage therapy. It was her experience working in the Emergency Room that led her to explore the benefits of massage therapy.
She attended Massage Therapy Training Institute (MTTI) in Kansas City, Missouri (1999-2002). There she trained in massage therapy and was introduced to a variety of energy therapy modalities. Tracey continues to explore additional energy modalities and is currently focused on the Emotion Code, Eft/Tft Tapping, and Biofeild Frequency Balancing (a form of sound therapy). Tracey is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, EFT/TFT Tapping Master Practitioner, Reiki Grand Master, Violet Flame, and Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher. Tracey has also been using the Body Code for herself for a few years now and plans to become a Certified Body Code Practitioner soon.
Tracey currently offers sessions online, by phone, or by proxy, and in person at select locations in the Kansas City metro area. You can schedule a session or consultation call with her through our website at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/tracey-mcquinn.html.
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