But that was not always the case. Quite the opposite, actually. In 1998, her sister took her own life. In 2006, she found herself divorced after 5 years of marriage. After 7 years in a 6-figure corporate job, she found herself feeling empty.
Then she decided to make a change. She's always been a driven person, and while being “driven” can help you get what you want, how do we learn how to want the right things?
So Christy focused her attention on attracting feelings of purpose. Before long, she was awoken by what she later knew as "The Council" with messages. Soon she downloaded her first book and launched an ad-hoc book tour in local bookstores. It was during these book presentations that she began to be approached by people asking if they could stay in touch and call from time to time with questions. So Christy began coaching people on the 7 Spiritual Laws and the Law of Attraction.
It was from these humble beginnings that her coaching practice began and more books were born. Now Christy's work is gaining recognition by Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and others.
Learn more about Christy, check out her books, and experience healing with The Council and the Sacred Circle of Light at christywhitman.com. Order her book The Desire Factor and receive free gifts at thedesirefactor.com.
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