Mark is a man of many talents and many stories full of knowledge and wisdom. His work as a JD Psychic Explorer, world renowned psychic medium, Oxford educated attorney, near-death experience researcher, paranormal expert and legal analyst brings him all over the world. He may be found lecturing at an Ivy League University about Quantum Physics one day, and the next off to mystical locations in remote corners of the world to explore Ancient Ruins and Supernatural Phenomena.
He also appears on TV and Radio and co-hosts a weekly radio show called The Psychic and The Doc with Dr. Pat Baccilli where all subjects are on the table and no topic is taboo. Tune in on Thursdays using this link.
Mark's talents extend to written word as well. He is a featured columnist for Best Holistic Life Magazine and author of three bestselling books. His latest book, The Afterlife Frequency, is a riveting story driven exploration taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, into the human soul itself. The Afterlife Frequency has been endorsed by the world’s top Survival of Consciousness scientists, designated by PrettyProgressive.com as one of the top books about faith in God, and has been submitted for a Pulitzer Prize. You can watch a short video about The Afterlife Frequency.
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