We first encountered Terry's story in the book E2 by Pam Grout, Ep117 of this podcast.
When Terry McBride was 23, he suffered a back injury that resulted in fusion surgery and a life-threatening infection. Dozens of increasingly radical surgeries later, he decided he would not accept that he would never be whole. Terry's book, The Hell I Can't, is his story of trauma, healing, and ultimately, hope.
Today Terry is an inspirational speaker and teacher. He has the unique ability to deliver complex ideas and simple truths in a way that allows anyone to build their own successful model for maximizing achievement. He is one of the most sought after speakers in the personal development movement because he lives his message. When people experience Terry, through his seminars or his writings, they are inspired and reminded of the Truth of their own existence. From that Truth, they move to improve the quality of their life with an authority that allows them to make their dreams come true.
Learn more about Terry and his coaching program here.
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