Katy is also the heroine of the novel The Red Dress, a story of spiritual awakening and a new way of thinking, by Bridget Finklaire due for release Aug. 1, 2021.
Finklaire is an author and spiritual teacher with almost 30 years of experience. She is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and healer, and was a professional therapist in London's Harley Street. Bridget left England in 2012 for Cape Town, where she now lives with her South African husband. She loves teaching, writing and speaking. Weaving together the threads of her spiritual and professional journeys, she designed "The Bone Circle" - a unique, transformative and life-changing program that ties together three significant areas of expertise: Intuition & creating, the sacred & the metaphysical, and therapy & healing.
Bridget's intention is to awaken people to a higher purpose and a more joyful and harmonious life. She does this through creating awareness, providing a higher path of consciousness, teaching how to tap into intuitive wisdom, and setting up support groups that can work together powerfully to create positive change. Her favorite saying is an African one: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." She believes we need to go together in supporting a new evolution in consciousness. Connect with Bridget at bridgetfinklaire.com.
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