Lesley Mitchell-Clarke is a Toronto based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in in a number of modalities, including working with individuals who feel that they have had experiences with extra-terrestrial beings. Most of this fascinating work, as well as Metaphysical Therapies such as Past Life and Inter life Regression takes place at Lesley’s Toronto hypnosis clinic, Lightwork Hypnosis.
Prior to her work in hypnotherapy, Lesley has also had a busy career as an actor/dancer/vocalist, and for the past twenty plus years, she has also been a top jazz and arts media consultant, with an array of Grammy and JUNO-winning clients as well as major jazz festivals and record labels. Lesley is currently the Director of LMC Media, with offices both in Toronto and Lesley’s home town of New York City. She is also a busy arts writer, contributing regularly to a variety of publications.
Find out more about Lesley at lightworkhypnosis.com.
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