Yesterday I had the pleasure of leading "Meditation and Mindfulness for the Stressed AF Entrepreneur" with Global Entrepreneurship Week Kansas City (#GEWKC). My goal with it was to encourage entrepreneurs to make mindfulness and meditation part of their life and business practice.
Someone at the end of the class had asked about how meditation can improve profitability. I found several articles that address this:
- inc.com/jessica-stillman/easy-way-to-higher-profits
- knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-management/operations-management/meditate-for-more-profitable-decisions-2608
- bbc.com/news/av/business-21244171
- entrepreneur.com/article/287524
I love that well-known and trusted sources such as the BBC, Inc.com, Entrepreneur Magazine online, and INSEAD.edu have investigated and researched meditation and mindfulness practices for businesses. The bottom line is that meditation aids in smarter, more mindful business decisions, improved memory, and better focus. As I discussed yesterday, there are countless health benefits as well that stem from the stress reduction that meditation and mindfulness provide, including lower blood pressure, better sleep, less pain, and reducing inflammation.
If you listen to podcasts (I'm a self-professed podcast junkie!), here are some episodes of the Radiate Wellness Podcast that address mindfulness:
- radiatewellnesscommunity.com/podcast/ep26-radiate-mindfulness-with-lynn-rossy
- radiatewellnesscommunity.com/podcast/ep134-radiate-the-present-moment-with-christopher-keevil
- https://www.radiatewellnesscommunity.com/podcast/radiate-calm-with-radiate-wellness
Even 5 minutes of mindful breathing or three minutes of meditation a day are enough to start seeing benefits. Want proof? Watch this simple animation. Inhale as the shapes increase; exhale as they decrease. When I showed this to my then-8-year-old daughter, she did it a few times and said, "What just happened to my body?" If a child can experience benefits from mindful breathing, what can this practice do for you?