My life was one big question mark—career, home, love, passions. I had no idea what was right for me. I’m pretty intuitive and connected to my heart, and up until about a year ago my life flowed pretty smoothly. I followed my bliss and it took me to many amazing places. Then one day my intuitive voice just kind of stopped. The next step wasn’t clear. My passions stopped being so interesting, and I was lost. My usual optimism and hope turned to confusion and hopelessness.
One day I stumbled upon a QHHT session on Youtube. It looked pretty bizarre with a woman laying down with her eyes closed and talking to someone off camera. I realized it was a conversation between the hypnotist and the client’s higher self. Incredible!
Quantum healing hypnosis technique (QHHT) is a hypnosis technique, started by Dolores Cannon, that gives us regular folks without any fancy psychic or spiritual gifts a chance to experience our past lives, connect directly to our spirit guides, and perform energy healing on our own bodies.
I knew this was something I needed to try. Luckily, I found a QHHT practitioner in Kansas City--Christi Clemons Hoffman with Radiate Wellness. (And just a few minutes from my house. Thank you, Universe!).
Preparing for my session
Before my session I spent a lot of time Googling QHHT and trying to come up with my questions for my higher self. I wanted to ask just the right questions.
My questions for my QHHT session roughly came to:
- What’s my purpose?
- Why have things stalled for me?
- How can I attract in a fantastic partner?
- What should I do with a business project?
- Where should I move?
- Help in healing my bitterness
- Who are the angels in my life now?
- What are those night time visions I sometimes get?
- And a few health questions
What I experienced in my QHHT Session
Every QHHT session starts with an interview. Christi took time to get to know me and my entire life. We went over each of my questions, so she could really understand what information I needed from guides.
It didn’t take long before I was drifting off to my first past or other life. I was surprised how quickly I was hypnotized because it usually takes me awhile to settle into meditation. Christi is magic! I saw myself as a keeper of the light on a different planet. I was part of a galactic counsel that worked together to create energy and protect people. They, my higher self, showed me this to remind me of my power and that I work better with others. In my second past life, I was a farmer who lost his wife to a mysterious illness. It showed me that sometimes we can’t know the reason why things happen the way they do and that how we respond makes all the difference.
The next part we called in my higher self and guides for healing. That was really easy too. “You” are conscious the entire time and the more you relaxed the easier words, thoughts and images come to your mind. We started with a body scan looking for any stuck energy, causes of physical problems, and anything else that needed to be healed. I would get a thought about my feet or some other body part. Then I would see it in my mind, and next thing you know I’m talking about what is there and why it’s there. We released anger in my chest, sadness in my heart, and a soul fragment that was stuck in my ears. My hands were highlighted, and I was told I would find some energy and healing powers in the future. And so much more. My body felt lighter and more aligned than ever.
Finally, Christi asked permission from my guides to go over my questions. This was my favorite part. I got such clear answers. They told me what state I could move to and why my business didn’t take off and when it will. They said the timing wasn’t quite right yet and that I will be adding a more metaphysical piece to it. I saw all the angels in my life, including my sister’s dog and one surrounding my car. I learned about my guides - an angel and some goddess energies. I’m also guided by a species of wise beings who were using visions in night to try to speak with me.
After about two hours, my session was over. I felt so relaxed after. It felt like I just had a long massage or good meditation session.
What I love About QHHT
Everything was so clear. I didn’t feel like I was guessing at what I saw or the meanings of everything. In meditation or self hypnosis, the messages you get can be a bit confusing and you second guess yourself. QHHT is like those rare moments in life where you get a clear message from your guides and you know for sure what they said and what to do. Just imagine an hour or more of this kind of communication. Plus it’s all recorded.
There’s no middle man. In the past I have really benefited from all kinds of guidance and healing modalities - including reiki, a visit to a shaman, psychics, energy healers, life coaches, and card readers. QHHT gives you a direct line back to my higher self and guides. As it should be! We all have the power to connect to Source.
QHHT is also amazing because there is someone else guiding you through a very personal experience. In self hypnosis and meditation, you have to steer the ship while you try to relax and remember. Having Christi there to ask me questions about what I was seeing, and more importantly their significance, I was able to get so much more out of the session. For example, I kept seeing the color blue in my past life and saw it again when talking about my future partner. Christi asked my higher self about this. I would have never made the connection if I was doing self hypnosis. QHHT is all about the questions.
QHHT also helped me understand my intuition more. A few of the things I was shown in my QHHT session, I already knew or had had that thought before. It was cool to think back confirm what a real intuitive hit feels like versus a random thought.
How my Life Changed
QHHT helped me get unstuck. I no longer feel bitter or hopeless. I’m sure my friends have noticed I don’t complain anymore about where I am in life. I’m excited about what’s next. I booked a trip to India. I have ideas and career directions to look into. In time I will know if my minor health issues cleared up. I know now more than ever about my connection to Source and my guides. It’s easier for me to access them through meditation and self-hypnosis. QHHT has probably been the best investment I have made in myself.