If your 2016 was less than stellar (or if it was am-A-zing! or merely just another year), come see Christi and Kathy tomorrow, 12/31/16 9 a.m.-2 p.m. to “Release and Let Go” of it and welcome the new energies of 2017. We will be providing energy work and readings to come to grips with the energies of 2016 and see what's ahead for 2017. Visit our Events page for more details.
Or like this? Or even like this? However 2016 appeared for you, know that the community at Radiate Wellness has your back (plus chakras, past lives, and spirit). You are the reason we do what we do, and we appreciate you. We look forward to another year of being of service and growing together.
If your 2016 was less than stellar (or if it was am-A-zing! or merely just another year), come see Christi and Kathy tomorrow, 12/31/16 9 a.m.-2 p.m. to “Release and Let Go” of it and welcome the new energies of 2017. We will be providing energy work and readings to come to grips with the energies of 2016 and see what's ahead for 2017. Visit our Events page for more details.
I speak to so many who tell me that 2016 was terrible for them. Just last night I spoke with another woman who said 2016 sucked for her. It was, honestly, a time of a LOT of growth for me and the other practitioners at Radiate Wellness (though we've had our challenges as well).
However 2016 presented itself for you, come release its energy. Gain clarity for the changes you've been through, and see what's coming for you in 2017. Come see Kathy and me this Saturday, Dec. 31; 9 am-2 pm at Yoga Patch #6, 7235 Central Street. For more details, visit our Events page. Today is Hanukkah eve and Christmas Eve eve, and I'm feeling reflective. My daughter is not up yet, so I'm finally catching up on many needed items on my list, including this holiday blog post. I'm also feeling reflective about 2016. It's been one crazy year full of wonderful things: the birth of a dream, Radiate Wellness, and coming together in a healing community; earning my Reiki Master; becoming certified in QHHT and co-leasing a beautiful office space. Many of my friends and clients (aka pre-friends) have had a rough year, with illness, surgery, the loss of loved ones, as well as job loss or transition. If that's you, please accept our love and blessings--and a rain check for a hug when we see you. As I sat quietly with my guides this morning preparing for a client later and mulling over this blog post, I felt their peace. My master guide, Merlin, let me know that he would like to speak to you (a treat, because he's usually pretty quiet with others), so here we go: Dear ones, we bring you joy! It should be no surprise to you that so much is converging for you this week and into the next: two major religious holidays, the winter solstice (also a holiday for many), Kwanzaa, and Mercury Retrograde. The energies are very high, because so much energy is clearing globally. You are not alone in feeling it. This is a mystical, holy time of year, which is why so many religions have celebrations and ritual now, though the Earth appears dead in your Northern hemisphere. It's a time for you to stay inside; to cease growing crops. It's dark, which is a symbol of either beauty or loneliness, depending on your viewpoint. And this year, several holidays fall dring a Mercury retrograde. Humans find retrogrades uncomfortable, but they are a time to set things right, to fix past mistakes, to clear the air. To take the time needed to sit back and look for the 'T's to cross and the 'I's to dot. Many of you, including the one transcribing my words, is far from feeling “the holiday spirit.” This is a challenging time for many. You are missing loved ones, family members are getting older, many are in poor health, your usual traditions are changing, the many demands you feel around you feel like they're pressing inward. Indeed the energies are very heavy, I will admit. Why else would there be a retrograde at the end of the year? So much needs to be released! The year 2017 will feel like a breath of fresh air, but we in my station want you to be aware that it will also be challenging as old systems move to make way for the new. However, the energy will be lighter, which will make it easier as you adapt through the changes. As you may say, “Trust us. We've got this.” Know that you have our support. We are with you always. I couldn't put it better. Whatever you celebrate at this time of year--Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or just some down time--we wish you peace and joy.
Love, Christi and the Radiate Wellness team Did you know that Radiate Wellness offers gift certificates for many of our services? You can give someone special the gift of “I get you” right from home, in your warm jammies. Visit our shop.
Happy Holistic Holidays from Radiate Wellness! Sunday, December 11, 2 PM - 6 PM Healing Arts Center of Lenexa 15545 W 87th Street Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas 66219 Tickets are $25. Please RSVP here. You can pay online or at the door. Destress for the holidays with samples of your favorite Radiate Wellness modalities, including oracle card readings, for $25, and knock out some of your holiday shopping while you are there! Jewelry, accessories, oils, dream catchers, gift certificates, and more will be available from local vendors for purchase for everyone on your holiday list. Check out our list of vendors: • Angels's Guidance: Archangel, Ascended Master, and "just for fun" pendants, key rings, and ornaments. • Joyce Avans: handmade dream catchers made from found objects • Sue Adair: hand-spun, hand-died, hand-woven, and otherwise hand-made clothing and more • Heather Wilson: Henna art and gift certificates • Stephanie Hart: wrapped crystal jewelry and decor • Cici Hanson: handcrafted bath salts and lotions • Christina Mills, leather jewelry • Radiate Wellness: Gift certificates for our services! The $25 fee covers the entire afternoon and 20-minute sessions with any or all of our knowledgable and talented holistic practitioners and teachers: • Joyce Avans: Flowtrition • Kathy Lesmeister: Eden Energy Medicine, Attunement, Access Consciousness Bars®, chakra balancing, stress release • Dr. Nick Lockrow: Chiropractic • Susan Warner: Reiki, Healing Touch, Attunement, Jin Shin Jyutsu • Christi Clemons Hoffman: Oracle Card readings RSVP and/or prepay at the link above. Doors are open 2-6 p.m. Come any time! First come, first served. Signup sheets will be available. For more information, call us at 816.388.0289. |
radiate wellnessWe are a community of holistic and alternative healers and counselors dedicated to helping clients achieve spiritual, energetic, and physical well-being. archives
January 2025