Choosing honesty and recognizing how you actually feel allows for freedom and release.. then all emotions can move in their natural flow. When we hold how we really feel and cover them up with only affirmations and positive thinking, a part of us is rejected. We reject this part of us we feel is negative and hindering us. What I found is that what these feelings need is to be loved and guided. In a way, it’s kinda like self-parenting our emotions.
Honestly, I had a hard day today and just admitting that helps me move on and recognize that it really wasn’t the whole day that was hard, but only a few hours. I’ve been doing so much self-care but I found myself trying to cover up how I actually felt by doing that. Now I see that a big part of self care is allow myself to just feel crummy and validate my own experience. And then the affirmations feel more real and closer to the truth. And the self care actions feel more kind and gentle and loving.
Being spiritual isn’t about being positive every moment of the day, but choosing love over fear (at least for me). I would have to say that sometimes the truth isn’t the prettiest picture and it’s okay to admit that. And once that’s admitted, the truth is made okay. And once that’s okay, then actions that lead to real self care happen.
Hence the big post. I felt need share my experience and thoughts today. And honestly, I would love to do that more often and spread conversations about what it truly means to practice self-care and self-love. To love even the parts of us we find undesirable and want to hide from others. But I hope to at least have to courage to not hide from myself. I hope to have the courage to see all of me.
For me, it’s time to really love all of me. Even the parts that I think others wouldn’t like. Those are me and if someone doesn’t like, it’s okay because what really matters is if I do. If I like myself and like who I am. And I’m relieved to say that I really do like who I am. I like who I’ve become. And I feel so appreciative of everyone in my life who have helped me become who I am today. So incredibly grateful that my eyes tear up. I know growing pains can ache, but they are so worth it.
If you finished reading this whole post, thank you so much for listening. ❤️✨
Blessings 🌺