The QHHT sessions I have been conducting lately have been extremely interesting and full of information that is helpful not only for the client but for others in general. I now have someone transcribing sessions for me, which will allow me to share more from the sessions with others.
In this session, conducted last week, the client went to a lifetime in what looked like the 1800s, perhaps an America town with wooden covered sidewalks and cobblestone streets. The client described herself as a young, slight, woman in a long dress and ankle-high boots with heels. She was studying medicine with a doctor, which was somewhat "untoward" at the time. Not many knew about her interests or that she was studying medicine.
In one important day from this life, she assisted the doctor in a difficult delivery. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck, and the mother was not doing well. Since this woman was very "slight," with small hands, she was able to reach inside the birth canal and untangle the cord. The baby was saved, but the mother died. Apparently there was no one to care for the baby boy, so she raised him.
In another important day in this life, the boy was 10 years old. They were walking and he fell down the side of a hill, dying of his injuries. She was devastated. At the day of death, she described laying in her bed and ready to pass, ostensibly from a broken heart. CCH is me; R is the client.
CCH: What happened after he died?
R: I didn’t want to live anymore.
CCH: I see. It’s all right. It’s a very sad event. Very devastating. But he’s fine now. He’s fine now. And now you’re ready to go. And do see any ailments wrong with your body at this time?
R: No.
CCH: You’re just ready. You just decided.
R: I just want to go.
CCH: All right. Now we’re going to move through the process to go to the other side. We’re moving through the process. And tell me what’s happening with your body, or with you, as you’re moving through this transition. What do you feel is going through your spirit and your body at this time?
R: My sadness seems to be partially lifting from part of my body, and then I’m lifting out of my body. Very light.
CCH: Very light. You certainly don’t sound sad now.
R: No. I feel light. I feel translucent. Kind of almost a blue look to me. Transparent somewhat, maybe that’s it. Oh. I’m just gliding. I’m gliding upwards.
I just feel like...kind of angelic really. Kind of moving out. Floating.
CCH: Do you see your body?
R: Yeah. My old body. Mm hm.
CCH: Your old body. What’s happening with it?
R: It’s just laying there. But I’m so glad to be released from it.
CCH: Good. And what do you see around you?
R: Really nothing just yet. It’s kind of like...deciding where to go.
CCH: Do you see any other beings?
R: Oh, there’s a lot in the distance. They’re all kind of lit up, along the . . . seems like kind of a horizon. I’m just deciding which way to go.
CCH: Before we go, let’s take a look at that life. Every life has lessons and a purpose. . . .
R: I don’t want to look back at that. It was too sad.
Then the session became even more interesting. The client described being on the other side with teachers and guides in an etheric "university," learning about choices of where to go next.
R: I don’t have a body.
CCH: Ah. How does that feel?
R: Very free. It seems like I’m learning a lot, before I choose a body.
CCH: Can you tell me about your surroundings?
R: Yes, it’s . . . there’s a lot of non-beings like myself, that are also translucent, and we just kind of float around and we . . . we learn things without reading it. We just learn it, we just know it. Gosh, how wonderful.
CCH: Do these beings seem familiar to you?
R: Uh . . . yes. But I don’t see any faces, it’s just the love I feel for them, like we’ve known each other. And we’re just . . . when we connect, there’s so much love and we exchange knowledge, and we don’t even need to talk about it, it’s just there.
CCH: How do you exchange knowledge?
R: Well, you just know it, you’re in someone’s presence that has knowledge that you would like, and you . . . you merge with this energy, and then it becomes part of you. It’s . . . so incredible. I love learning so much.
Throughout this lifetime, the client has taken classes on many different subjects, all over the world, having to do with healing techniques and metaphysics. Part of the session was to find out what this thirst for education is about and what to do with all the studies. Now we see why. It's the client's soul purpose, to learn!
CCH: Can you describe some of the things that you’re learning there?
R: I’m trying to, but I can’t find the words for it, it seems . . . it’s like everything and nothing.
CCH: Mm hm. Everything and nothing. . . .
R: It’s like . . . all inclusive to what . . . I’m trying to find words for it, but it’s not words. It’s sunlight and warmth, but none of the above. It’s medicine, but energy. I’m also very excited about that part. I really love . . . there’s this area, it’s not really a building but it’s kind of a building where you can go to learn certain things, and this is one building that I really like going into because there’s just so much knowledge in this building.
CCH: Can you describe how it looks?
R: Yeah. It’s . . . it’s translucent, but it’s not, and you go in and there’s books, but they’re not. Everything’s translucent. I go up to a certain area and I touch upon it and the knowledge becomes me. And it makes me want to cry that I’ve wanted to know that for so long. But I don’t cry because there’s so much joy. And all of these . . . beings are so loving. There’s no judgment here, that’s what it is. It’s whatever you want to do, it’s . . . it’s all . . . respected. I am respected here.
CCH: How does that feel?
R: Oh it feels so good, I feel so tall. [The client is short in this lifetime, so we both laugh.]
CCH: Wonderful!
R: They’re helping me decide what I want . . . if I want . . . we’re in a meeting right now and we’re helping me decide if I want to have another lifetime, and if I do, what do I want to take from this knowledge.
CCH: Well, what do you think?
R: I want to take something that can better humanity, but I haven’t decided what that would be. I want to go . . . I believe, to Earth, but there are other choices that I am being told about.
CCH: What might some of the other choices be?
R: There are other planets, we haven’t . . . I haven’t really gotten into that yet. Or they’re not planets . . . maybe they are planets. Maybe they’re just levels of this particular, um . . . place I’m at. There’s no words for this place, it’s just. . . .
CCH: It seems like a school, or a university, or . . .
R: Yes, it is, but it’s not a particular . . . yes it is, it’s a school of knowledge, but it isn’t a place . . . it’s on a level of energy, that’s what it is.
CCH: It’s on a level of energy.
R: It is, so you change energy and you go to another spot, or another place. And this is where I like to be. It’s a pretty high spot, it seems like. And I haven’t really decided if I want to go back yet.
CCH: How do they let you know about the other places, do they show you pictures or do they tell you about it?
R: There’s another place in this university that you can study that. And I haven’t really . . . I haven’t much interest in it right now.
CCH: So what is it that you’re looking at now?
R: It’s what I could do if I go back to Earth, and how I could better the planet.
CCH: Would these be the same things that you could use to help on other planets as well?
R: They haven’t told me that, but possibly. I’m just focused on Earth right now.
CCH: Do you feel like you’ve been to Earth before?
R: Yes. I have been to Earth before. I really like it there.
CCH: Good. What is there to like about it?
R: Well, because I want to help, and it seems like it needs help. And I’m learning how I can use things from this university to help.
CCH: Can you . . . oh, use the knowledge.
R: Mm hm. Mm hm. Use the knowledge to bring to Earth.
CCH: Once you get to Earth, is there any type of continuing education, or . . .
R: You know that’s what I’ve just found out and I’m really excited about, that I could do that.
CCH: Tell me about that.
R: Well, if I go back in a body, they’re telling me that I can also have teachers that I can still call upon.
CCH: Wonderful.
R: And um...that’s the part that really excites me, because I feel like I need help if I go back.
CCH: If you go back, how would you call on these teachers?
R: Through, um...they’re telling me, just by calling upon them, and...I want to say energy work, but not, just calling upon them, and they will work through me, and that will just be a part of the knowledge that we have with one another.
CCH: That sounds so exciting; are you excited?
R: Yeah, I am. I’m beginning to be excited about it.
CCH: Are there particular teachers you will be working with?
R: Yes. Um . . . Michael? He’s a very tall. . . . He is not Archangel Michael, but he is Michael, and um . . . there’s several women that I have enjoyed working with. And I’m putting a name of Michael on him, actually he laughed and said that isn’t really his name, it’s whatever I want to call him. And they all seem to have such a great sense of humor. Like it’s not serious up there, and I think this is what I love about it. It’s a really fun place. That’s why I’m not sure I want to go back.
CCH: Yeah, would you really want to leave?
R: Oh, I know.
CCH: Is anyone telling you you need to go back?
R: No. No. It’s my choice.
CCH: It’s your decision.
R: It’s my choice, but I really. . . . I would really like to try to help.
CCH: Well, let’s go to the place where you learn about the different places you could go, is there such a place like that?
R: Mm, yeah, it’s just over the way, yeah.
CCH: Okay, well guide me through, and let’s go to the place where they show you your choices.
R: Okay. There’s Earth. There’s not going back at all. There’s, um . . . different levels of energy that I could work on, that I could work through people on Earth.
CCH: Where would you do that, on Earth?
R: Actually no, in the ethers, I would continue without having a body. And then, um . . . there’s other planets. And I don’t know what the names of those are.
CCH: That’s okay. Do you see them in pictures on the wall, do they show you on a screen, how. . . .
R: Actually, it’s kind of through . . . in this building, you think it and you manifest it. So it’s kind of . . . it’s just there, and we manifest it as we’re looking at it, it’s like 3D in front of you, and you think of something else and it comes up.
CCH: Oh, how exciting!
R: Yeah, it’s pretty cool. There’s nothing like that on Earth.
CCH: Why don’t we have anything like that on Earth? It seems so simple.
R: There’s so many egos in the way of manifesting at this level, still on Earth. I’m just now getting this, these other places, it’s like a hologram that you see in front of you. If you could manifest that easily on Earth, there wouldn’t be any need to . . . I don’t know that you could continue learning on Earth.
CCH: Tell me more about that.
R: Earth is more dense than this particular level, so if we were to raise the energy to that level, then it might cease to be. There would be no reason for it to be. People go to Earth to work out a lot of the denser energies within our bodies, I’ve learned.
CCH: I see. So, let’s . . . we’re going to move ahead. We’re moving to a time when you decide what you’re going to do, and we’re there.
R: Okay.
CCH: What do you see around you, what’s going on?
R: Well right now I have all these wonderful teachers that I love so much, nonphysical teachers. And it’s not like I’m saying goodbye, but it’s kind of like I’m on a diving board, that I’m diving in. And they’re really very supportive, and . . . not wishing me love, but in earthly terms that’s kind of what it seems like, but they feel like . . . I feel very supported, they’re going to be with me, and I want to go back and do something . . . I want to make a difference, and . . . I’m not sure where I’m going. That’s the part that seems really scary to me.
CCH: Well, it will become clearer when you arrive where you’re going. Do you have an idea of the location, or the type of experience you may have?
R: Well, it’s like I’m deciding right now, I’m still nonphysical, and I’m hovering over . . . I see, I guess it’s London or somewhere in Europe, and I see somewhere in Asia, and then somewhere in . . . is it Ireland, or maybe it’s Italy? I’m just kind of swimming . . . I haven’t chosen a way to be born into this world yet, that’s what it is. <laughs> Oh my God that’s so fun! So I get to choose my mother.
This session is what I refer to as "QHHT gold." We get a glimpse into how we learn on the other side, how we work with our many guides (teachers), manifestation, and how we decide what to pursue next.