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Ego shaves the vibrancy-edges off of life, dulling life’s inherent wonder, dampening one’s love of humanity while concurrently dimming the beauty of the world. Self reinstates life’s vibrant-glory as Self-consciousness re-recognizes its love for its own creation, and in doing so, falls deeper and deeper back in love with itSelf, ever-more enhancing the vibrancy of the mystery of life.
Knowing the difference between who you are and what you have mistaken yourself to be eliminates the ever-fluctuating, life-fragmenting ego, leaving only a permanent aware-presence that re-illuminates the vibrant-wholeness of life that has always been - all to re-establish the eternal wondrous-awe that has not been witnessed since childhood.
Love Outpouring is a gracious invitation from yourSelf to yourSelf to expose the ever-present happiness that is already inherent within You, so that you may experience-directly again the perplexing-awe of life.
You have written yourSelf this book for the purpose of giving yourSelf the permission to fall back in love with yourSelf and allow yourSelf to unavoidably shine your love-light upon the world as brightly as possible … the greatest gift you or anyone can share with humanity.
Learn more about Scott and his philosophy of Love Outpouring at loveoutpouring.com.
Want to become more authentically you, in your emotions, your energy, or in your relationships? Schedule a session with our practitioners at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/appointment.
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