• Best Guest Expert, Christi Clemons Hoffman
• Radiate Wellness Podcast
• Real-Life Angel Encounters
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She shares inspiring insights on the mental toll of recovery; including feeling totally betrayed by her body after her stroke and cancer survival. Rachel also speaks passionately on her recovery from addiction and her wellness journey. Her experiences offer valuable lessons in resilience, the importance of self-care, and the ongoing quest for personal growth amidst life’s challenges.
Rachel's commitment to women’s health led her to earn certifications in Women’s Hormone Health and Period Coaching. Her firsthand experiences with the menstrual cycle and perimenopause bring depth and richness to her discussions, making her a relatable and valuable resource on women’s wellness.
Her journey through addiction recovery, surviving a stroke and cancer, and embracing holistic wellness is truly inspiring. But what makes Rachel's story even more compelling is how she has navigated these adversities while also being a dedicated mother and wife. Her ability to balance these roles while pursuing personal growth and self-care offers profound lessons in perseverance and inner strength.
Follow Rachel's journey and work at linkedin.com/in/rachel-wilson-eca and rachelwilsonlive.com.
Want to become more authentically you, in your emotions, your energy, or in your relationships? Schedule a session with our practitioners at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/appointment.html.
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