• Best Guest Expert, Christi Clemons Hoffman
• Radiate Wellness Podcast
• Real-Life Angel Encounters
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Leah inspires and teaches people how to access their fullest potential with practical techniques, guided wisdom, and entertaining concepts. Her courses and podcast have reached hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
Leah has a BA from University of Louisville, a CMT from Alive & Well Institute of Conscious Bodywork and studied at The School of Enlightenment and Healing in California. She currently resides in the NYC metro area. When she’s not working, you can find her in a down dog, or walking her dog.
Find more information about her books, where to purchase them, and testimonials at leahguy.com/books.
Check out her podcast, The Modern Sage, at podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-modern-sage-podcast/id1559606903.
Want to become more authentically you, in your emotions, your energy, or in your relationships? Schedule a session with our practitioners at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/appointment.html.
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