Think meditation means doing nothing? Think again. Regular meditation increases focus; lessens worry, anxiety, and impulsivity; improves immune system & energy level; reduces blood pressure; improves information processing; and allows intuition to flow. Meditating even 3 minutes per day for a few weeks is enough to start experiencing benefits.
Christi Clemons Hoffman is the former meditation teacher at Hallmark headquarters and TVH North America headquarters. If stressed-out corporate types can benefit from meditation, what could it do for you? Learn how in this episode of the Radiate Wellness Podcast.
Learn more about Christi and her services at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/christi-clemons-hoffman-ma-cht.html.
Interested in having a reading or energy session yourself with one of the Radiate Wellnes practitioners? Schedule online at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/appointment.html.
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