After having her third baby, guest Krystyna Houser started experiencing severe bloating, rashes, and brain fog. She sought medical treatment only to be told her symptoms were mental health or postpartum-related. After refusing to accept those answers, she continued to seek help and eventually was diagnosed with SIBO.
Krystyna thought a diagnosis meant a simple solution, however, she soon came to realize that the path to healing was far more complex. At the start of her journey to become SIBO-free, Krystyna sought out the top doctors and experts in the field of gastroenterology to find the right combination of lifestyle, medicine, protocols, and diets; she was told to follow a strict 2-week "elemental diet". Over the course of 2 years, she followed the diet 3 times and has now been SIBO-free for more than 5 years.
After experiencing feelings of frustration and hopelessness due to the lack of options and poor taste of other elemental diet offerings on the market, Krystyna teamed up with world-renowned doctors from Cedars-Sinai to create mBIOTA Labs, which develops scientifically formulated products tailored to address the unique dietary needs of patients grappling with various GI challenges.
Krystyna has also created the Good LFE (Low-Fermentation Eating) Cookbook, a gorgeous cookbook full of nutritious recipes from appetizers to dessert to aid in healing your gut.
You can find the cookbook at goodlfe.com and her elemental diet product at mbiota.com/pages/elemental-diet.
Want to become more authentically you, in your emotions, your energy, or in your relationships? Schedule a session with our practitioners at radiatewellnesscommunity.com/appointment.
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